Ikenobo Demonstration by Professor Kumi Hiramatsu
Location: Elm Bank, Hunnewell Carriage House, 900 Washington St. (Rt.16) Wellesley, MA 02482
Date: October 11, 2017
Kumi Hiramatsu, a Professor of Ikenobo School of Ikebana visited Boston from Tokyo, Japan, demonstrated various arrangements in front of a big audience including the Japanese Consul General and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Michii. Ms. Hiramatsu explained various techniques and tips to arrange Ikebana and encouraged everyone to try to make Ikebana arrangements with locally available materials. The techniques she showed us were very useful not only for Ikenobo students but for all the flower arrangers. Ms. Hiramatsu not only showed very traditional Ikenobo arrangements but also made current Ikenobo arrangements including one with a Halloween theme.

In addition, we had a very successful plant sale with the plants that chapter members had brought from home. Some members also brought items for a “Ginza Table” that were sold at very reasonable prices. Many people enjoyed shopping for second-hand treasures.