Location: Elm Bank, Hunnewell Carriage House, 900 Washington St. (Rt. 16) Wellesley, MA 02482
Date: September 22, 2020
Workshop by Prof. Glen A. Sorei Periera, Urasenke Professional College of Chado, Kyoto, Japan.
Boston Chapter #17 held in-person meetings on September 22, 2020 and October 28, 2020. In compliance with Massachusetts regulations on indoor gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic, attendance was limited to no more than 25 people, including the presenters.
On September 22 Professor Glen Periera of the Urasenke Professional College of Chado gave a presentation on Chabana, emphasizing the role of the flower arrangement in the tea ceremony and the importance of the use of naturally grown materials, as opposed to purchased florist material.
Attendees were asked to bring a suitable container and plant material for the workshop that followed the presentation. Each attendee created a Chabana arrangement which was critiqued by Professor Periera.
Twenty Chapter members, Professor Periera and two assistants attended.