Welcome Back! Sogetsu Demonstrations by Four Rijis
Location: Elm Bank, Hunnewell Carriage House, 900 Washington St. (Rt. 16) Wellesley, MA 02482
Date: September 21, 2021
Sogetsu demonstration by Four Riji
Tomoko Tanaka, Dora Lee, Kaye Vosburgh, Joanne Caccavale

This was the first live event in 2021 for the Ikebana Boston Chapter #17.
Four Riji level teachers from the Sogetsu Massachusetts Branch, Tomoko Tanaka, Dora Lee, Kaye Vosburgh, and Joanne Caccavale, each demonstrated two arrangements for around 50 attendees.

Each demonstrator was challenged to use chestnut seed pods in their arrangement and succeeded admirably. They created special and unique flower art using an antique basket, modern ceramic and glass receptacles, a steel structure, and construction techniques.

The event included lunch and Ginza table. Participants not only enjoyed the demonstrations, but enjoyed sharing news and catching up with each other.